All Creatures Veterinary Clinic

6575 N. Santa Fe
Fresno, CA 93722


Pets of All Creatures Vet Clinic

Come take a look at some of the visitors we have had come through our doors! We see all sorts of cute, cuddly, and interesting animals all day every day!

HS skunkPuppyTortie kittenBentleyChickenRed Ear SliderKittens EatingBlue eyed siameseHedyPersianBlue Belly LizardPiggieRK opposumHS skunkKittenDoxiRed EarsFluffy KittenVersaceKH and mochaARF batmanPittieHawk chickBox Turtle HatchlingsRed TailChugoSL pigGreat Horned OwlEls SheepGoatPolka Dot DressMochaHH armful of kittensPotbellyOpossumChihuahuaConureStar WrapPuppyBearGrey CatKH mocha kissesDoxi bunnyFriskies KittyBR GoatPigletAriChalupa chickenHoodie KittenAbadonFawnRK HorseChugoPolka Dot PotbellyField MouseStriped wrapFat CatValentinoLizardAlpacaMastiffChicken the HawkPigletBulldog PuppyChalupaChugoHimalayanTinoSad dogThree Toed Turtlewhite catPiggyCrossed Eyed SiameseChesterSpankyPuppyDeckBlue PittieZeroKittenSami AnnSiamese TNTMochaHedyChubby